Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala

Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Defending Wild & Natural Places

The Midwest is full of rich beauty and natural resources from the Great Lakes to the Great Plains. We have an amazing combination of wild private lands and protected areas here, including National Parks, lakeshores, refuges, wilderness areas, forests, prairies, and waterways. When these special places are threatened by logging, mining, and sprawl, ELPC works with local partners, providing the legal firepower to protect our wild resources for people and the planet.

ELPC’s public interest attorneys litigate before key courts and regulatory agencies to uphold environmental laws, defend fragile ecosystems, and protect special places throughout the heartlands. Our advocates advance sound science-based policies to solve problems and protect our environment for current and future generations. We know a healthy economy depends on a healthy environment.

Current Projects

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Wild & Natural Places

Protecting Midwest Wildlife Refuges

Clean Water

Preserving Resilient Wetlands

Clean Air

Protecting Northwest Indiana

Clean Energy

Redeveloping Retired Coal Plant Sites

Wild & Natural Places

Expanding Wilderness Across the Midwest

Wild & Natural Places

Protecting the Wisconsin Northwoods

Related Resources

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Northwest Indiana Factsheet


ELPC End of Year Reports


Factsheet: Safety-Kleen Oil Re-Refinery Air Permit Modification


StoryMap: Great Lakes National Marine Sanctuaries

Important Victory

Protecting the Savanna Prarie

Stopping the proposed “prison on the prairie” at the Savanna Army Depot was one of the biggest wins in a long time for Illinois conservationists.

Read the Story

Help us protect wild & natural places

From parks to prairies, woods to waterways, ELPC needs your help to defend the Midwest’s natural treasures.