Press Release

Press Release: Senate Bill on Autonomous Vehicles Wisely Includes Study of Transportation Infrastructure & Environmental Impacts


October 4, 2017


Senate Bill on Autonomous Vehicles Wisely Includes Study of Transportation Infrastructure & Environmental Impacts

ELPC commends leadership of Senators Duckworth and Schatz for co-sponsoring study amendment to bill 


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee today adopted an amendment on safety standards for autonomous vehicles that requires the U.S. Department of Transportation to conduct a much-needed study on how autonomous vehicles will impact transportation infrastructure and the environment.  Senators Tammy Duckworth of Illinois and Brian Schatz of Hawaii co-sponsored the amendment.

“Let’s better understand how driverless vehicles can be designed and deployed to help solve highway congestion and air pollution problems, and guide policy actions,” said Howard Learner, Executive Director of the Chicago-based nonprofit.  “The Environmental Law & Policy Center commends Senators Duckworth and Schatz for their leadership on the amendment providing for a thorough study of the impacts of autonomous vehicles on our transportation, environment and energy systems.”

“I’m proud the Senate Commerce Committee unanimously passed our amendment to educate the public about how self-driving vehicles will impact traffic congestion, pollution levels and the environment,” said Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL). “This legislation will help pave the way for safer, smarter, more efficient transportation systems in America.”

“A U.S. Department of Transportation study will soon begin to address the broad array of policy challenges and opportunities presented by autonomous vehicles,” said Learner.

The study will include a broad look at how autonomous vehicles will impact a wide range of issues including the transportation infrastructure, the environment, energy needs, congestion, vehicle miles traveled and land use. The amendment calls for launching the study within 60 days of the bill’s passage into law.
