Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

U.S. Dept of Transportation Proposes to Reinstate Greenhouse Gas Performance Measure

“We can’t manage what we don’t measure”

Statement by Kevin Brubaker
Deputy Director, Environmental Law & Policy Center 

“The Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC) welcomes DOT’s proposal today to reinstate a greenhouse gas performance measure to its existing set of performance measures for state Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Whether it is measuring safety, state of good repair or now greenhouse gases, having information and being able to measure improvements is a vital element of accountability for all of us as tax payers. Simply put, we can’t manage what we don’t measure.  

“With billions now being spent on transportation thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), we have an opportunity to improve mobility for all, increase efficiency and safety, and reduce climate pollution. Transportation is now literally driving the climate crisis and we must take action. This performance measure is a much-needed step. 

“We believe all states have the ability to use available tools to measure the greenhouse gas performance of their transportation systems. We hope states will bring a “can do” spirit to this performance measure.  

“ELPC called in the Biden administration to take this step during the transition. We are pleased to see this proposal today and will be commenting on it and urging our members to engage.” 

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