Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala

U.S. Capitol Building

Washington D.C.

ELPC staff in our office in Washington, D.C. work to shape federal leadership on climate change, clean energy and clean air, Great Lakes and clean water, and natural resources protection. We have deep relationships with the Midwest congressional delegation, many of whom lead key committees and provide important swing votes on environmental and energy issues.

The Midwest plays a vital roles in shaping national politics. ELPC is an important advocate for the Midwest and the Great Lakes both at home in the nation’s heartland and on the national stage with Congress and federal administrative agencies.

Current Projects

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Clean Energy

Pursuing Grid Equity and Energy Justice

Clean Transportation

Advocating for Public Transit, Walking and Biking

Clean Energy

Thinking Beyond Wires

Clean Energy

Repowering the Rural Midwest

Clean Energy

Transforming the Electricity Grid

Clean Water

Protecting the Great Lakes

Related Resources

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ELPC End of Year Reports


StoryMap: Great Lakes National Marine Sanctuaries


Rail Manufacturing Reports


REAP Success Stories

Make an impact in Washington D.C.

Help us make sure federal decision-making encompasses Midwestern environmental concerns.