Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala

Brady C. Williamson

Partner, Godfrey & Kahn

Brady C. Williamson is Chair of the ELPC Board’s Litigation Committee and a partner with the Godfrey & Kahn law firm in Wisconsin and Washington, D.C. His practice involves several disciplines, including the Financial and Business Restructuring and Litigation Practice Groups focusing on complex Chapter 11 proceedings. He also is a member of the firm’s Government Relations Practice Group, which focuses on elections and campaign finance law, and the firm’s Media Law Group, which represents newspapers, magazines, ISPs and broadcast stations. Mr. Williamson has taught for years at the University of Wisconsin Law School, teaching courses on federal and state constitutional law, campaign finance and election law. For 2023, he developed and taught a new course, “Courts and Constitutions,” at the University of California-Berkeley. With ELPC staff attorneys, he has represented ELPC in several environmentally-significant corporate bankruptcy cases affecting air and water quality.