Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala

This is how we brew it.

ELPC Events

Pints for the Planet 2023

This Earth Day, ELPC is celebrating with bars, breweries, and restaurants across Chicagoland with #Pints4thePlanet, because good beer needs clean water.

Between April 15 and 23, participating bars will offer different Earth Day-themed specials. A portion of the proceeds will go towards supporting ELPC as we continue to protect our beloved Midwest lakes and waterways.

Grab your friends – drink up, and do good! And then please consider a direct contribution to support ELPC as we work across the Midwest to drive climate solutions, protect the Great Lakes, and expand clean, renewable energy.

After all, good beer needs clean water.

Donate Now

Participating Bars

Click on the map below to find your local bar, the Earth Day special they are offering, and the dates they are participating.


Thank You to the Local Bars that Made This Possible