Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala


Ann Mesnikoff

U.S. House Passes Climate Solution Legislation with H.R. 9

Today, for the first time in 10 years, the U.S. House of Representatives acted to combat climate change by passing H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act. This is an important step

This Act calls on the federal government to honor its commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement and ensure that the United States is a leader on climate change solutions. It was great to see so many members from the midwest vote for this legislation and we should thank them for stepping up now.

The House bill moves America forward in honoring our Paris Climate Agreement commitment, and it lays the groundwork for further climate solution actions. We know that this legislation will be difficult to pass in the current U.S. Senate, but today’s vote is a welcome step in the right direction for a better future.

See if your Representative voted YES on this important legislation and thank them.

The science is clear: Climate change threatens the Great Lakes. Our recent report, coordinated by 18 Great Lakes scientists, demonstrates how the shifting global climate impacts the unique Great Lakes region. ELPC is advocating and advancing policy solutions that make a difference for a healthier and safer future for all.The United States should live up to our commitments in the Paris Climate Agreement. That will show our global leadership in advancing climate solutions and position American clean energy innovations to lead the global transition to cleaner, safer sources of energy.

Midwestern Leaders Committed to Climate Action


Dingell (D), Kildee (D), Lawrence (D), Levin (D), Slotkin (D), Stevens (D), Tlaib (D)


Axne (R), Finkenauer (D), Loebsack (D)


Carson (D), Visclosky (D)


Beatty (D), Kaptur (R), Ryan (D)


Bustos (D), Casten (D), Danny Davis (D), Foster (D), Garcia (D), Kelly (D), Krishnamoorthi (D), Lipinski (D), Quigley (D), Rush (D), Schakowsky (D), Schneider (D), Underwood (D)


Craig (D), McCollum (D), Omar (D), Peterson (D), Phillips (D)


Kind (D), Moore (D), Pocan (D)

Ann Mesnikoff,

Federal Legislative Director

Ann Mesnikoff is the federal legislative director at ELPC, working in Washington, D.C., with the Midwest Congressional Delegation and national coalitions to advance supportive clean energy, clean water and clean air, and transportation reform policies.

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