June 03, 2020
We all bear witness and bear responsibility for racial injustice in our communities and across our nation. The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others reflects systematic racism and the continuing unacceptable police brutality and misconduct that must change. Moreover, this takes place against the backdrop of racial disparities exacerbated by the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Our work at ELPC to protect the environment is predicated upon a belief that we should all have equal access to healthy clean air, safe clean water, and communities without toxic threats. Healthy communities for all is a basic civil and human right. Lower-income communities, and communities of color, are disproportionately affected by environmental threats. When we fight for clean air, we are pained to hear George Floyd and Eric Garner say “I can’t breathe.”
Our society should, can and must do better. ELPC, too. Black lives matter.
We hope you will learn from and consider supporting these important colleague organizations and the many Midwest local organizations working on the front lines to fight racial injustice and police brutality:
ELPC joins with all people of goodwill to help achieve these social changes for all.
From the ELPC Team