Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala


JD, University of Chicago 2021;
BA, University of Michigan 2012


Chicago, IL


[email protected]

Daniel Abrams

Senior Associate Attorney

Daniel Abrams is a Senior Associate Attorney at ELPC. His practice is focused on energy law and combatting climate change and fossil fuel infrastructure development. In his previous role as a Legal Fellow in the Illinois Attorney General Environmental Bureau, Daniel enforced Illinois and federal law related to air and water. During law school, Daniel interned at the NRDC and the City of Chicago and participated in the environmental clinic. In his spare time, he plays ice hockey, backpacks in the woods with friends, rides his bike around the city, and enjoys spending time with his family.

What’s a place you love in the Midwest?

As a young boy, I fell in love with the North Woods of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the UP of Michigan. In particular, I find the Boundary Waters in Minnesota to be amongst the most magical places on earth!

What drives you to do this work?

Climate change is the existential crisis of our time. I am driven to do my part to push back against the proliferation of fossil fuels and protect the earth for future generations!