B.A., University of Iowa, 2006
M.P.A., Drake University, 2023
Des Moines, IA
Policy Advocate
Matt Ohloff is a policy advocate at ELPC’s Des Moines, IA office, focusing on programs and policies that promote sustainability, combat climate change through clean energy, and advancing clean water and other natural resources. Matt joins ELPC with over 15 years of experience in nonprofit grassroots organizing, advocacy, coalition building, and issue campaign development and execution in Iowa and surrounding states on clean energy and agricultural issues. Matt lives with his wife and their cat in Des Moines.
While I was raised in cities (Oklahoma City, Omaha, and Des Moines), my parents and much of my extended family grew up in the driftless region of northeast Iowa. I love visiting and exploring this unique and beautiful part of Iowa and the country.
Our many environmental concerns, from clean water to clean air to climate change, will not go away on their own. Working to address these concerns so all people and future generations have a sustainable and equitable planet to live and thrive is what drives me.