Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

A Great Day for Environment and Economy as Senate Passes Inflation Reduction Act

Historic investment will boost clean energy, electric vehicles, REAP program and other tools to combat manmade climate change

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Democrats today passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the single largest investment in tackling climate change in American history. 

“Today we celebrate a critical step in tackling the climate crisis. The Democrats in the Senate understand that action on protecting the climate and our environment and good jobs go hand in hand,” said Environmental Law & Policy Center Federal Legislative Director Ann Mesnikoff. “This legislation invests in the actions we need, from clean energy and energy efficiency for homes and buildings to electric vehicles and much-needed support to implement environmental reviews across the government.”

The IRA’s climate provisions include substantial investments in sustainable agriculture practices and coastline restoration, and a $2 billion investment in the popular Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), which will give rural areas an economic boost while helping farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses fight climate change. 

“ELPC urges a quick passage in the House and a quick signature from President Biden on this necessary climate action package,” Mesnikoff said. 

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