Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

Disappointed EPA’s Final Soot Guidelines Not Strengthened, Putting Communities of Color at Greater Risk

With one foot out the door, Trump’s EPA once again has defied sound science and turned its back on protecting people from dangerous air pollution.

Statement by Tiffany Werner, Community Science Organizer

ELPC is deeply disappointed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is rushing to issue final standards for fine particle (PM 2.5) pollution that aren’t more stringent to protect public health. By keeping the existing standards in place, this action ignores the growing body of science that connects the impacts of exposure to air pollution and COVID outcomes, which are particularly dire in Black and Brown communities already exposed to harmful PM 2.5. 

The deliberation process was marked by procedural flaws and actions that undermined the essential science EPA is expected to follow when implementing the Clean Air Act. Now with one foot out the door, Trump’s EPA once again has defied sound science and turned its back on protecting people from dangerous air pollution.”  

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