Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

Efforts to Block NEPA Restoration “100% the Wrong Way to Go”

Republican-led Resolution would hamper efforts to restore climate and public input provisions Trump stripped from environmental reviews

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate today voted to undermine President Biden’s efforts to restore important climate and public input provisions the Trump administration stripped from reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). 

S.J. Res 55, a resolution of disapproval using the Congressional Review Act to stymie efforts to restore key elements reviews under this 52-year-old environmental protection law, passed 50-47. 

“NEPA is a bedrock environmental law that gives people a voice in major infrastructure projects that affect their air, water and communities,” said Environmental Law & Policy Center Federal Legislative Director Ann Mesnikoff. “The Biden administration is working hard to undo the damage the prior administration did to NEPA reviews. This resolution of disapproval undermines those efforts and is 100% the wrong way to go.” 

“We cannot allow this foundational environmental law to be gutted and we cannot allow permitting to become a giveaway to polluters at the expense of the climate and public health,” Mesnikoff said. 

ELPC previously joined with 200 other environmental and community groups to oppose this resolution. 

We will continue to oppose this resolution in the House and urge the President to veto this effort to undermine NEPA and the voice of communities should it be sent to the White House. 

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