Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

ELPC Calls for USPS to Electrify its Postal Service Delivery Fleet

“The USPS must step up and face the climate crisis head-on by transitioning to 100% EVs as quickly as possible”


“The Environmental Law & Policy Center today joined a broad coalition to deliver more than 400,000 messages urging the US Postal Service to go electric. Now is the time to invest in a fleet of electric vehicles that will not only deliver the mail safely but also deliver clean air and a healthier climate along the way.

“ELPC is calling on the USPS to reverse its decision to spend 90% of its $11.3 billion mail delivery fleet upgrade over 10 years on gas-guzzling trucks and instead invest in electric vehicles.

“The United Nations’ latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released this week implores countries to adopt widespread vehicle electrification and substantially reduce fossil fuel use to cut greenhouse gas emissions and limit further warming of our planet. As the U.S. government agency with the largest fleet of vehicles, the USPS must step up and face the climate crisis head-on by transitioning to 100% electric vehicles as quickly as possible.”

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