Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

ELPC Pleased to See INVEST in America Act Pass in the House of Representatives Today

Bill includes tripling of investment in passenger rail network, great for the Midwest

Statement by Kevin Brubaker, Deputy Director

“ELPC is pleased to see the INVEST in America Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives today.

With the transportation sector now the leading source of U.S. climate pollution, it’s long overdue to ensure investments in our transportation system are part of the solution. We cannot afford to continue pouring billions into a system that subsidizes driving, increases congestion and worsens climate pollution.

While the bill is not perfect, the INVEST in America Act includes a necessary “fix it first” focus to ensure we’re maintaining the system we have rather than continuing the Ponzi-scheme of building new highways while our old ones deteriorate. It places new emphasis on safety for all users – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians – and increases investment in transit, including tripling the current spending for passenger rail.

ELPC appreciates the significant investment this bill makes in America’s passenger rail network. Both Amtrak and Midwest states have exciting plans on how to use these funds in the Midwest to connect our cities and towns, improve mobility, reduce climate pollution and create good jobs.

This bill takes critical steps in bringing accountability to our nation’s transportation system so that federal dollars are improving access to jobs, education and other services. And resiliency is rightfully emphasized as we see worsening climate impacts on transportation infrastructure across the Midwest and the country.

The proposed investments in transit, which has proven critical during the COVID crisis in connecting people to jobs and services, is also vital to keep improving transportation systems and services.”

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