Wisconsin Public Radio
J.D., New York University School of Law, 2003
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Washington University, 1998
Chicago, IL
Managing Attorney
Brad is a Senior Attorney at the Environmental Law & Policy Center, where he works to accelerate renewable energy development, protect clean water, and promote sustainable development throughout the Midwest. Brad previously served as a federal judicial law clerk in Washington, D.C., a law fellow at the Environmental Law Institute, and an environmental engineer at CH2M Hill, Inc. Brad received his law degree with honors from New York University School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis.
Horicon Marsh (WI) during the fall migration season. Hundreds of thousands of geese, cranes, and ducks pass through this internationally significant wetland, the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States.
Gratitude for the amazing world we occupy and hope that we can leave our Midwest home in better shape than we found it.
Wisconsin Public Radio