Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala


Ph.D., Geography, Michigan State University, 2021
M.S., Biosystems Engineering, Michigan State University, 2016
M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, 2012
B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran, 2009




[email protected]

Pouyan Hatami

Data Scientist

Pouyan Hatami is a Data Scientist at ELPC who specializes in environmental engineering. His work focuses on environmental resource management using a combination of geospatial analysis and data-driven models built by emerging statistical and machine learning methods. This can help environmental advocates gain insight into available datasets and hidden values that can be extracted from raw data to progress advocacy efforts.

What’s a place you love in the Midwest?

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is one of my favorite places to visit, especially in the fall. Seeing the dramatic change in the colors of the trees as you travel further north is an unforgettable experience.

What drives you to do this work?

The Great Lakes, aside from being beautiful destinations, are a vital freshwater resource in the Midwest. I’m passionate about making sure that they are protected for future generations to continue to enjoy.