Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

ELPC Joins Partners to Defend EPA’s Updated GHG Standards for Car Model Years 2023-2026

"This rule sets us on the right path by limiting climate changing pollution from the highest emitting sector of the US economy"


Today, the Environmental Law & Policy Center and partner organizations intervened as defendants in a lawsuit filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit by Texas and more than a dozen other states challenging EPA’s recently issued greenhouse gas emissions standards for model years 2023–2026 passenger vehicles. Suits challenging the rule were also filed by ethanol and energy industry groups, corn and soybean grower associations, a think tank, and individuals. Notably, no automakers have sued to challenge the rule.

ELPC staff attorney Ann Jaworski said: “The EPA’s recently announced vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards are a necessary step for the U.S. to fight climate change and protect public health. While steeper emissions reductions are needed in future model years, this rule sets us on the right path by limiting climate changing pollution from the highest emitting sector of the U.S. economy while saving consumers money. EPA’s rule is well-supported and sets out achievable standards that automakers can meet using existing technologies. ELPC is pleased to join our partners in defense of this critical rule.

“Additionally, it’s shameful that the states and other groups filed lawsuits challenging the EPA’s sensible GHG standards on the same day that the latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report was released. That report warns that delaying cuts in heat-trapping carbon emissions and waiting on adapting to the impacts of a warming planet ‘will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.’ The scientific evidence makes clear that EPA’s updated vehicle GHG standards are essential to help cut carbon emissions.”

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