Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

NEPA Phase II Rule Strengthens Environmental Protection Across Midwest

Supports More Engaged Public Participation to Better Inform Governmental Decision-Making

Statement of Howard Learner
Executive Director, Environmental Law & Policy Center

Washington, DC – On Tuesday, April 30, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) issued its final rule implementing new National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations. NEPA is a foundational environmental law designed to improve governmental agencies’ decision-making processes by fully assessing environmental impacts, exploring robust alternatives that cause less environmental harms, and engaging public participation to better inform decision-making.

Today’s rule fulfills the Biden administration’s promise to rectify the damage done to NEPA by the Trump administration in 2020. The restored NEPA Phase II rule also codifies important procedural changes that make today’s environmental review process more efficient and productive, strengthens community participation provisions, and affirms the responsibility of federal agencies to more effectively address climate change and environmental justice issues.

Howard Learner, ELPC’s Executive Director, said:

“CEQ has stepped forward with ways to improve the NEPA environmental review process.  The new standards will help NEPA implementation work better and advance sensible environmental protections that the American public supports. NEPA is our nation’s foundational environmental statute and the new Phase II rule provides for more engaged public participation that better informs decision-making in ways that should benefit our environment, public health and communities.”

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