Celebrating ELPC 30 Years - 2023 Gala
Press Release

U.S. EPA Moves Forward with New Standards Reducing Power Plant Pollution

New Standards Will Better Safeguard Public Health for Midwesterners

Washington, DC – On April 25, EPA published four rules focused on reducing pollutants from coal and natural gas-fired plants: (1) Greenhouse gas pollution; (2) Harmful mercury and air toxics (MATS) pollution; (3) Water discharges pollution; and (4) Coal ash pollution.

Statement from Howard Learner, ELPC Executive Director:

“Coal and natural gas-fired power plants continue to emit huge amounts of greenhouse gases and other harmful air and water pollutants. ELPC is pleased that the U.S. EPA is taking essential regulatory actions to better protect our climate, the air we breathe, and our rivers, lakes and streams.

EPA’s new standards to reduce methane super-pollutants are an important step forward for climate change solutions and cleaning up the electric power sector. EPA’s updated Mercury and Air Toxics rule provides more public health and ecological protections. EPA’s new standards to reduce the pollutants discharged into our waterways likewise moves forward in a positive direction. EPA’s rule to manage coal ash will help clean up and protect our communities from toxic pollution.

Overall, these new U.S. EPA standards are an important step toward reducing pollution in our Great Lakes region and nationally for all.”

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