Northwoods, WI


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ELPC Events

Vegetative Buffer Pilot Project Protects Kids from Air Pollution

New air monitors will track highway pollution and gauge effectiveness of protective tree plantings


Lena Guerrero Reynolds

ELPC Events

Planting Vegetative Buffers to Protect Kids from Air Pollution

ELPC & partners plant trees at a school overlooking the Dan Ryan Interstate


Susan Mudd

ELPC Turns 30

ELPC is at the Forefront of Greening the Yellow School Bus

It’s a healthier back to school season for many Midwest kids, as new electric school buses hit the road. ELPC’s years of environmental advocacy are paying off and providing cleaner transportation.


Susan Mudd


Testimony on Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Trucks and buses account for one-third of transportation climate pollution. The EPA risks further harming disadvantaged communities without strong limits on truck pollution.


Susan Mudd


Can plants help fight air pollution near Chicago schools?

Schools near busy traffic corridors are exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution. Vegetative buffers can help protect students, teachers, and staff.


Susan Mudd


Will Electric School Buses Move into High Gear?

Federal funds for electric school buses could mean a healthier ride to school for millions of kids in America


Ann Mesnikoff


Pekin and See: How to Turn a Coal Plant into Electric School Buses

Catching a ride on the magic school bus is now a reality for students in the Pekin and Hollis School Districts as Illinois’ first vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric school buses hit the road.


Susan Mudd


Memo from the Midwest: What the Biden administration should prioritize for a robust transition to electric vehicles

The U.S. can slash emissions by accelerating steps to get more pollution-free vehicles on the roads. Electrifying the transportation sector will provide critical reductions in air pollution in the Midwest and across the country.


Susan Mudd


Air Pollution, Diesel Emissions and Public Health: Southside Summit on Transportation

ELPC Senior Policy Advocate Susan Mudd joined other public health experts to discuss the impacts of freight, trucking, and distribution on air quality and health in Chicago.


Susan Mudd


Cut diesel pollution while maintaining Chicago’s robust freight business

The blessings of convenience and freight-related jobs come with a cost, but there is a way for dangerous pollution to be dramatically reduced while enhancing the Chicago area's booming freight distribution industry.


Susan Mudd


Electric school buses hit the road in the Midwest

ELPC is committed to improving air quality across the Midwest, and electric school buses provide one great opportunity. We're working to build partnerships between utilities and school districts because electric school buses present multiple opportunities for utilities to plan ahead.


Susan Mudd